Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Classroom

I was scheduled to present my work titled “Beyond the Syllabus: A Guide to Increasing Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Undergraduate Economics Classroom” at CTaLE on February 10th. It got canceled because of weather and now probably won’t happen any time soon due to Coronavirus. I’m sharing the slides and resources for anyone interested.

The discussion is around the racial and gender under-representation in the economics profession. I provide educators with low cost classroom management interventions to increase diversity, inclusion, and belonging. The resources shared below are helpful. Please do share any other resources that I should read.

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Interested in a copy of the presentation? Email me Abdullah.albahrani@gmail.com

As an educator, what are you doing to cultivate a sense of belonging in academia and in your profession?

Each of these interventions can be used to develop an experimental research agenda to test the impact on belonging in the classroom.

Resources and citations as they are discussed in the presentation:

  1. 2018 Report of the Committee on the Status of Minority Groups in the Economics Profession (https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/csmgep )

  2. The 2018 Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession December 13, 2018 (https://www.aeaweb.org/about-aea/committees/cswep)

  3. Buckles, Kasey. "Fixing the Leaky Pipeline: Strategies for Making Economics Work for Women at Every Stage." Journal of Economic Perspectives 33.1 (2019): 43-60

  4. ‘It Was a Mistake for Me to Choose This Field’ NYT article by Dr. Lisa Cook and Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman

  5. Bayer, A., & Rouse, C. E. (2016). Diversity in the economics profession: A new attack on an old problem. Journal of Economic Perspectives30(4), 221-42.

  6. Bayer, A. and Wilcox, D.W., 2019. “The unequal distribution of economic education: A report on the race, ethnicity, and gender of economics majors at US colleges and universities.” The Journal of Economic Education, 1-22

  7. Bayer, A., Bhanot, S. P., Bronchetti, E. T., & O’Connell, S. A. (2019). Diagnosing the Learning Environment for Diverse Students in Introductory Economics: An Analysis of Relevance, Belonging, and Growth Mindsets.

  8. Undergraduate Women In Economics Intervention

  9. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Women In Economics Podcast and Symposium

  10. Sadie Collective

  11. Stefania Paredes Fuentes: Women in Economics at Warwick: What was it about?

  12. AEA Summer Program

  13. Sheridan, B. J., Hoyt, G., & Imazeki, J. (2014). A primer for new teachers of economics. Southern Economic Journal80(3), 839-854.

  14. Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Columbia

  15. AEA Best Practices for Diversifying Econ- Working with Students

  16. Diversifying Econ Wiki

  17. Al-Bahrani, A., & Patel, D. (2015). Incorporating Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook in economics classrooms. The Journal of Economic Education46(1), 56-67.

  18. Bayer, A., Bhanot, S.P. and Lozano, F., 2019. “Does simple information provision lead to more diverse classrooms? Evidence from a field experiment on undergraduate economics.” AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 109, 110-14.

  19. Li, C. H., & Zafar, B. (2020). Ask and You Shall Receive? Gender Differences in Regrades in College (No. w26703). National Bureau of Economic Research.

  20. Stevenson, B., & Zlotnik, H. (2018, May). Representations of men and women in introductory economics textbooks. In AEA Papers and Proceedings (Vol. 108, pp. 180-85).

  21. NPR on Office hours

  22. Porter, C. and Serra, D., 2019. “Gender differences in the choice of major: The importance of female role models.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.

  23. Al-Bahrani, A., Holder, K., Patel, P.,Wooten, J. (2016) “ Art of Econ: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Differentiated Assessment”Journal of Economics and Finance Education 15 (2), 1-16.

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