Kentucky Students Deserve a Meaningful Financial Literacy Education

KENTUCKY and Financial Literacy Education Advocates!

As you probably know, KY passed a bill in 2018, driven by teachers and students, requiring all high school students to receive instruction in personal finance beginning with the 2020-2021 school year. However, while the bill started as a requirement for a standalone semester of in-class instruction, through the “legislative process”, language was inserted that changed the requirement from “class” to “class or program.”

It sounds innocuous, but this simple change means KY’s “requirement” can now be met by as little as a single 3-hour online module. We all know that Kentucky deserves better.

But there is hope! There’s a narrow window RIGHT NOW in the state legislature to close the loophole and uphold the law’s original intent - the comprehensive, teacher-led personal finance course ALL Kentucky students deserve.

We would like you to join me, NKU Center for Economic Education, and Next Gen Personal Finance online next week for a one hour session, where you will:

  • Watch excerpts from the NEW! documentary "The Most Important Class You Never Had" which features Alex Todd, a personal finance teacher from Elizabethtown.

  • Get Alex’s perspective on the new legislative opportunity to ensure that all Kentucky high schoolers receive a one semester course, as the original bill in 2018 intended.

  • Brainstorm ideas on how to persuade legislators to address the issue in this very narrow window of opportunity.

  • Connect with Rep DuPlessis who will be joining these sessions.

We hope to see you next week at one of these online sessions. Register below.

We’re grateful for your expertise in this crucial conversation, and we would appreciate you making time in your very busy schedule to bring your best ideas on how to address this.

Watch the Trailer


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