The 3 Book I Recommend

I love to read. Today I want to share the three books that I have been recommending to my students often in the past year. These are non-econ books but they have helped me in my development as an economist, a creative, as somebody navigating the world.

Book 1

The first book I recommended is a classic. Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People. I first read this book right after completing my Master's from American University. I was working in the mortgage industry and my mentor recommended I read the book. It has influenced everything I have done and everything I can continue to do. The simplest summary I can give the book is that it is how to build relationships and how to make other people's successes you success (and vice versa).


Book 2

The second book I recommend is the book Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazi. You can view this book as a continuation of How to Win Friends and Influence People. The difference is that this book is about tips on how to manage relationships. In college, you aren't taught these relationship skills. When you are out in the real world, a lot of the time is managing relationships. There is no training on how to do that. That is where this book excels. It gives you tangible tips on how to connect with people, how to build relationships, and how to make other people's successes you success (and vice versa).


Book 3

Book number 3 is a book that I have only found and read in the last three months. It is Show Your Work by Austin Kleon. It has made it to the top of the lists of books I recommend because it explains how to get people to join you on your journey. In today's world, we are only likely to share success, which creates an environment where we are competing with everyone else's successes. The book highlights the need for use to share the growth, the struggles, the failures, and the pushbacks we face in life. As an economist, rejection is a part of my career. For my students, they live in a world where they are expected to continually succeed, and this is the image that they see. They have a false sense of what life is about. This book does a good job to sharing your journey. Build a community by sharing the path not the destination.

I want to end this post with one of my favorite quotes from Show Your Work

What you want is to follow and be followed by human beings who care about issues you care about. This thing we make together. This thing is about hearts and minds, not eyeballs. -Jeffery Zeldman

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