10 Years Later
I am creating the Association of Gulf Economists. If you are an economist from the Gulf region, or if your research is concerned with the economics of the Arabian Peninsula, I encourage you to become a member. If you are interested in a leadership position, please reach out to me.
Vision 2040 Planning For The Future: Creating a Thriving Omani Labor Market
The recent demands by youth seeking employment have increased interest in the state of the labor market in Oman. Attempts to curb the labor market concerns have provided patchwork policy that solves short term concerns but does not address long term outcomes. This report provides analysis of the interdependence of the labor market and public policy. To solve the long-term labor market concerns, it will require…
رؤية 2040 التخطيط للمستقبل: تكوين سوق عمل مزدهرة في سلطنة عمان
إن المطالبات التي صدرت مؤخراً عن الشباب الساعين للحصول على عمل زادت من الاهتمام بأحوال سوق العمل في سلطنة عمان. كما أن المحاولات المبذولة للتخفيف من أسباب القلق بالسوق أدت إلى سياسات متجزئة تمكنت من تسوية بعض المشاكل على المدى القصير، إلا أنها غير قادرة على التعامل معها على المدى الطويل. يقدم هذا التقرير تحليل عن الترابط القائم بين سوق العمل والسياسات العامة.
A Conversation Worth Having
On November 6th the Oman Observer published an article by columnist Ali Al Matani. In the article the author discusses female efforts in the recent Ash’shura Council elections. The fact that it is published in the national paper raises concerns about our efforts to increase gender diversity and economic equity of women in Oman.
The Growth Mindset
I am not sure there is anything more rewarding than walking out of a class after teaching an introductory course. Teaching first year students isn’t for everyone, and not many can do it well…
I am technically two months into my sabbatical. I had grand plans of weekly blog posts, turns out that was ambitious. Once the first due date passed it was easy to skip the second and so on…
First Impressions Matter
I never liked the way my syllabi looked, they didn't reflect my personality. So I tried to revamp my Principles of Macroeconomics Fall 2018 syllabus…