Economics in 5 Minutes
A podcast for every economic educator! Do you use podcast to teach? You don’t want to miss this one
Why Economics? The One Reason You Should and Should NOT Major in Economics
A question I often get about economics is - what do you even do with it? People often assume economics is about studying money.
The reality is that Economics is broad and includes diverse areas of study. You can talk about the inner workings of a country or individual human behavior.
College Advice for Undergraduate Economics Majors
Economics students, and most undergraduate students, are concerned with what their next step after graduation will be. I have the opportunity to work with students and help them make that transition. I know how stressful that transition between college and the next phase in your life is. Watch this video to learn more about how to make the best out of your college degree.
The economics of scarcity: decision making when facing scarcity
A good friend of mine and economist, Julien Picault, reached out after watching the video to discuss a different view. Mainly why the advice I, and many others give and present as simple financial and economic concepts, is actually very hard to follow. These “simple” rules neglect behavioral economics and the economics of decision making under scarcity.
Pennsylvania Economic Association Keynote Presentation
I present at the Pennsylvania Economic Association as the lunch Kenynote speaker. My presentation titled “Teaching in an Uncertain World: How the Pandemic Changed Economics Education”
The Economics of Beauty
What if I told you that you were going to make 5 to 10% less than your coworker for doing the same exact job. It's not because of your skin color nor is it because of your gender. No, you make that much less because your coworker is considered “more attractive”.
New Working Paper on diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
My latest working paper is available for download!
I am Moving... Online
I am in the process of shifting most of my content to online teaching. I have been thinking about this for a while and COVID19 provides a good opportunity to make the shift. I am excited and I am trying to figure out how to best transform my classroom personality to an online format
ضرورة مشاركة علماء الاقتصاد في صنع السياسات
من المعروف أن تنفيذ سياسات تتسم بالفاعلية ليس بالأمر السهل، فالاعتماد على سياسات تستند إلى آراء ذاتية في عالم بحاجة ماسة إلى سياسات قائمة على الأدلة، تعدّ واحدة من أكثر المشكلات شيوعًا في عملية صنع السياسات
The Need for Economists in Policy Making
Effective policy making is difficult! One of the most common issues with policy is the reliance on opinion-based policies in a world that is desperate for evidence-based policies.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Bahrani Presentation at Majlis Al Khonji
Presentation on April 25th at Majlis Al Khonji, Muscat Oman.
The Geography of Jobs
Data visualization to show job losses and job growth in the United States over the 20 years ending in January 2020
Introducing the Job Seeker Rate
I am in Oman for the holidays. The talk around town is the economy, and discussions about economic policy. I have mostly listened to the proposals, forecasts, and opinions. Recently, in a formal discussion I was finally asked about my opinion on what I would propose for the Omani economy. Based on the discussions I have heard, I recommend more ….
Vision 2040 Planning For The Future: Creating a Thriving Omani Labor Market
The recent demands by youth seeking employment have increased interest in the state of the labor market in Oman. Attempts to curb the labor market concerns have provided patchwork policy that solves short term concerns but does not address long term outcomes. This report provides analysis of the interdependence of the labor market and public policy. To solve the long-term labor market concerns, it will require…
رؤية 2040 التخطيط للمستقبل: تكوين سوق عمل مزدهرة في سلطنة عمان
إن المطالبات التي صدرت مؤخراً عن الشباب الساعين للحصول على عمل زادت من الاهتمام بأحوال سوق العمل في سلطنة عمان. كما أن المحاولات المبذولة للتخفيف من أسباب القلق بالسوق أدت إلى سياسات متجزئة تمكنت من تسوية بعض المشاكل على المدى القصير، إلا أنها غير قادرة على التعامل معها على المدى الطويل. يقدم هذا التقرير تحليل عن الترابط القائم بين سوق العمل والسياسات العامة.