New Working Paper on diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
My latest working paper is available for download!
Omani Unemployment Data
S01E03 of #CoffeeWithDrA discusses Omani unemployment data and omanisation
TeachEconConference presentation. You can sign up to receive the working paper when it is available in July.
I am Moving... Online
I am in the process of shifting most of my content to online teaching. I have been thinking about this for a while and COVID19 provides a good opportunity to make the shift. I am excited and I am trying to figure out how to best transform my classroom personality to an online format
Financial Literacy Education Data
Tableau Visualization using newly releases financial literacy education data. Find out which U.S schools are teaching financial literacy and the name of the courses. Data can be viewed by state, zip code, or course type.
ضرورة مشاركة علماء الاقتصاد في صنع السياسات
من المعروف أن تنفيذ سياسات تتسم بالفاعلية ليس بالأمر السهل، فالاعتماد على سياسات تستند إلى آراء ذاتية في عالم بحاجة ماسة إلى سياسات قائمة على الأدلة، تعدّ واحدة من أكثر المشكلات شيوعًا في عملية صنع السياسات
The Need for Economists in Policy Making
Effective policy making is difficult! One of the most common issues with policy is the reliance on opinion-based policies in a world that is desperate for evidence-based policies.
Collecting Data on Higher Education Response to Financial Impact of Covid-19
I am collecting data on how universities and other higher education institutes are responding to the financial impact of Coronavirus. If you know of any higher education institutes that have announced cuts or changes please fill out the anonymous form below. If you know of several institutes, please refresh the page and complete the form again.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Bahrani Presentation at Majlis Al Khonji
Presentation on April 25th at Majlis Al Khonji, Muscat Oman.
التفاح الجيّد أم التفاح الرديء؟
عندما تتوفر معلومات وافية في الأسواق، تتمكن الجهات المنتجة من كسب المزيد من المال مقابل سلعها الأعلى جودة، لكن عندما لا تتوفر معلومات وافية في تلك الأسواق تُمكِّن المستهلكَ من معرفة الجودة الحقيقية للسلع المعروضة، تسفر الأسواق عن نتائج غير ناجعة.
Good Apples or Bad Apples?
Regulators will hinder the overall market if they choose to also be investors. The better option is to separate the investment and regulatory authority.
the Gender Financial Literacy Gap and The Role of Math Confidence
In our recent paper, coauthored with Whitney Buser and Darshak Patel, we survey college students and test their financial understanding and math ability to see if there is any relationship between the two. Additionally, we ask students to rate their confidence in their math abilities and construct a math confidence score.
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in the Classroom
The discussion is around the racial and gender under-representation in the economics profession. I provide educators with low cost classroom management interventions to increase diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
The Geography of Jobs
Data visualization to show job losses and job growth in the United States over the 20 years ending in January 2020
Social Responsibility to Move Oman Forward
Our social responsibility starts with recognizing that we are part of a whole, that our actions impact others. We collectively, as a whole, can make a difference.
The Book I Wish I Read 10 Years Ago
Some books have an immediate impact on me, this book is definitely one of them.
Kentucky Students Deserve a Meaningful Financial Literacy Education
Kentucky Students Deserve a Meaningful Financial Literacy Education. Help me make that a reality!
Introducing the Job Seeker Rate
I am in Oman for the holidays. The talk around town is the economy, and discussions about economic policy. I have mostly listened to the proposals, forecasts, and opinions. Recently, in a formal discussion I was finally asked about my opinion on what I would propose for the Omani economy. Based on the discussions I have heard, I recommend more ….